Atlanta Request Form

Contact & Organization

A copy of this request will be emailed to this address

Please include contact information for your advisor, if applicable, in the fields below.


i.e. Weekly for 5 weeks

Space & Set-Up

Please specify below

Resources & Services

Check all that apply
A Note About Charges

Media services may be accompanied by charges for non-academic events (any event not related to courses.) Visit the link below to review charges before submitting requests. Any charges incurred will be the responsibility of the requestor/organization.

i.e. Beverages, Hors d'oeuvres, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Cloths, Skirts, etc.

Additional Comments

Each organization, group, or person using Mercer University facilities must do so within the General Policies and Regulations of the University. You will be charged for damage to facilities and/or resources. Facilities should be returned to their original condition. Failure to do so may result in additional charges and suspension of reservation privileges. Mercer University reserves the right to cancel, deny or relocate any event at any time.
A copy of this request will be emailed to the contact provided above