Scheduling is done on a first-come, first-served basis, unless there is a conflict with Mercer's Academic programming or Administrative events, which will always take priority.
It is the responsibility of the event requestor/organizer to ensure appropriate setup details and services have been arranged and confirmed for their event. The reservations office does not help with, nor provide event planning.
New reservations and requests must be submitted at least 10 business days in advance.
Events scheduled outside of working hours may be subject to overtime fees. Rooms are to be used "as-is" outside of business hours unless other arrangements have been made and confirmed with the reservations office and Physical Plant.
Events Scheduling System Policies
To ensure services and setups are available, events can not be created less than 4 days in advance.
To ensure classes are scheduled without conflict, the Events Scheduling System will not be open for scheduling until classes have been entered each semester.
Reserving rooms in unrealistic excess, or that aren't used will result in the loss of scheduling privileges.
Providing false event information will result in the loss of scheduling privileges.
Altering reservations that don't belong to you will result in loss of scheduling privileges.
Sharing an account with a user that has not been permitted access will result in loss of scheduling privileges.
Student Reservation Policies
Only active, officially-recognized student organizations may request a reservation for rooms and resources on campus. Exceptions will be made on a case-by-case basis for academic reasons (i.e. special class presentations).
Students must submit reservation requests via the online request form.
All student reservation requests must be approved by the Campus Life office.
The event date and location should be confirmed prior to publishing or printing any promotional materials.
All student events must adhere to the policies and code of conduct outlined in the student handbook and on the student organizations website. More information on student organizational policies and joining or starting a new student organization can be found at
Campus Reservations
Mercer University
1501 Mercer University Drive
Macon, GA 31207
(478) 301-4200